
The BEST Sourdough Sandwich Bread

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Calling all homesteaders, sourdough fanatics, and bread lovers! If you haven’t hopped on the sourdough train yet, it’s time to get on board. This tangy, chewy bread isn’t just delicious—it’s also packed with a host of benefits. First off, sourdough is easier to digest compared to commercial bread, thanks to the fermentation process that produces beneficial bacteria. Plus, it’s a natural source of probiotics, promoting gut health and aiding digestion. But that’s not all—sourdough has a lower glycemic index than other bread, meaning it won’t cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels. And let’s talk flavor! The slow fermentation process gives sourdough its distinctive tang and depth, making it a favorite among bread connoisseurs. So, if you’re looking for a healthier, tastier option for your daily bread, it’s time to give sourdough a try. Your taste buds and your gut will thank you.

I started my sourdough journey because I am on a mission to live as simple and sustainable as I possibly can. Swapping out the commercially produced food and products in my home with natural and homemade substitutes is one of the practices I do to keep myself and my family as healthy as possible. Swapping grocery store bought bread with homemade sourdough is my favorite swap that I’ve incorporated into my home. Plus, it’s relatively simple to do.

If you don’t have a mature sourdough starter – check out my Sourdough Starter for Beginners post! If you do, just be sure that it is fed prior to beginning this recipe!

You don’t have to follow the exact steps… I don’t

I’ve made this bread numerous different ways. I’ve gone back for multiple stretch and folds, I’ve let it rise for over 24 hours, I’ve added herbs, I made this into a chocolate loaf, and sometimes I don’t stretch and fold at all. It’ll turn out slightly different each time, but this bread recipe has never failed me. I always encourage others to make recipes their own, to make adjustments here and there, because that way – the recipe is unique to the maker… the way it should be.


Bread Loaf Pans – Aren’t these ones so cute?!
Dough Wisk – This is optional. A spatula would work, too!

This recipe is measured in grams so a kitchen scale is needed. I will add the approximate cups associated with each ingredient, though. Personally, I prefer the outcome in sourdough bread when everything is concisely measured in grams.

The BEST Sourdough Sandwich Bread

Recipe by Modern Homestead HavenCourse: RecipesCuisine: Traditional


Prep time


Cooking time



A yummy and healthy sandwich bread alternative!


  • 70 grams active sourdough starter (1/3 cup)

  • 50 grams granulated sugar or honey (just under 1/4 cup)

  • 300 grams lukewarm water (1 1/3 cups)

  • 500 grams unbleached flour (3 3/4 cups)

  • 12 grams salt (2 3/4 teaspoons)

  • 25 grams of any oil – I use canola. Use whatever you want. (2 tablespoons)


  • Add the water to a large mixing bowl… make sure it’s warm. Mix in the sourdough starter, sugar (or honey) and stir until everything is dissolved.
  • Add the flour, salt, and oil. Mix that all together with a dough whisk or spatula until most of the flour has been absorbed. – you may need to use your hands. The dough should be thick and have a rough texture.
  • Cover and let the dough rest for 1 hour.
  • Gently remove the dough from the bowl and begin stretching and folding (grab one side of the dough and stretch it up and press into the middle of the dough ball. Turn the dough 1/4 turn and repeat until all 4 sides have been stretched and folded). Do this 3 times.
  • Cover the dough and let it rest overnight or for a minimum of 8 hours or until the dough has doubled in size.
  • Once the rising is done, very lightly flour your work surface and remove the dough from the bowl. Gently tighten the dough ball by cupping your hands around it and pulling it towards you. Do this a few times.
  • Spray a bread pan with cooking spray or coat with a cooking oil (or butter) of your choice. Place the dough in the bread pan – seam side down. Cover it and let it rest for an hour.
  • Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Bake on the middle rack for 45-50 minutes. The loaf should be a beautiful golden color! Gently dump the bread from the pan onto a wire rack to cool. Wait at least 30 minutes for the bread to cool before slicing.


  • You can go back an hour after the first stretch and fold and repeat if you wish. Results in a firmer (but still airy) bread.
  • Add some herbs. Add some cheese – have fun with it!

As always, Happy Baking!

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